The school has the following departments:

• Autistic Department

• Cerebral palsy Department

• Developmental delay Department

• Down Syndrome Department

• Vocational Department


The average class has 6 students in the ASD department while the other departments has a maximum of 8 to 9 students as classified by the private education sector. Each classroom holds a certified teacher and one or more qualified assistants. Students are fully assessed and placed in classrooms according to their:

·         Functional level

·         Ability / Disability

·         Chronological age

·         Gender (after the age of 12)

Students are placed in the above departments are divided into these groupings:

• Early intervention (ages 6-8)

• Junior (ages 9-11)

• Middle (ages 12-14)

• Senior (ages 15-17)

• Vocational (ages 18-21)


We believe that by exposing our students to a broad range of holistic programs and services they will be better prepared to achieve their maximum potential and independence. Our respected academic program platforms are based on the modified BCP Curriculum – Behavioral Characteristics Progression. The BCP’s 56 developmental strands includes over 2,300 sequential skills / behavioral goals.


Curriculum support programs includes the ASDAN KEYSTEPS, ASDAN Challenges towards bronze and Silver Awards, ASDAN Life skill, and the FACES program. All in the bid to enhance and support the school main curriculum.

Other curriculum support programs includes the TEEACH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communications Handicapped Children) and the PECS Programs (Picture Exchange Communication System) to cater and serve a broad range of student needs within the Autistic department and other related cases.

Student Individual Education Plans are written in consultation with students’ parents, therapist and other valuable members 


Students also enjoy a number of effective extra-curricular programs:

• Swimming and physical education

• Computer skills

• Art sessions

• TV sessions

• Woodwork & Pottery sessions

• Cooking and Shopping session

• Playground and community activities

• Outdoor learning engagements (Field Trips)

Our well-equipped therapy departments assist students to realize their optimal physical functioning, develop new speech habits and achieve improved independence;

• Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy

• Speech therapy

• Occupational therapy
